CM Punjab Mohsin Naqvi Launches CBD Route 47
Lahore: The Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi launched CBD (Central Business District) Route 47 on Saturday in Lahore to ease traffic congestion in the city.
CM Naqvi highlighted the importance of the route as a provincial asset while stressing the CBD’s significance. Moreover, the CBD Route 47 is tailored to provide a permanent solution to Lahore traffic issues. It stretches from Main Boulevard Gulberg to Walton Road.
In addition, the CM showed confidence in the CBD Punjab’s ability to complete the project within the estimated time. He also highlighted the route’s connectivity. The route will connect CBD Punjab Quaid District to Walton Road, and CDB Punjab to Bab District.
The completion of a 4.2 km dual road project, Route 47, with six lanes is expected to overcome the traffic issues and enhance the flow in Lahore city. The CM appreciated and attributed CBD for its diligent efforts and speedy execution of the project. Furthermore, Imran Amin, CEO of CBD and Housing Secretary, received tributes for finishing the project within the estimated time frame.
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