20 Years Land Use Plan for Abbottabad Proposed by Industry Specialist

Abbottabad: Industry specialists have proposed 20-year land use plan for Abbottabad in a meeting held by the Urban Policy and Planning Unit of the Planning & Development Department.
According to the details, the specialists in urban development from Abbottabad & Swabi districts and officials of the government took part in the session. The key speaker in the meeting was town planner Professor Shakir Mayo, who comprehensively described the land use plan for development in the future in various sectors.
He also stated that development is needed at the village level in infrastructure along with growth in healthcare, tourism, education, agricultural land use, etc. While talking about the nature in the surroundings of Abbottabad, he said that the plan for land use will go under review every five years to ensure changing needs.
He also said that housing projects can be shifted to high-rise buildings to adopt changes. The shift will also be helpful in preserving land resources while meeting the residential needs of the growing population of Abbottabad.
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