Faisalabad Commissioner Directs Swift Progress on Safe City

Faisalabad Commissioner Directs Swift Progress on Safe City - ahgroup-pk

Faisalabad: Silwat Saeed, Commissioner of Faisalabad, has asked the concerned departments to speed up their efforts for the timely completion of the Safe City Project.

The commissioner also highlighted the Government’s commitment to the successful implementation of the Safe City Project. Furthermore, she also emphasized all the relevant departments to collaborate and accelerate their efforts to ensure the completion of the project on time. The Safe City project will play a vital role in the development of the third-largest city in the country, she added.

Furthermore, the commissioner Silwat Saeed also inquired about the current status of the project. She further informed that the CM Punjab Mohsin Naqvi is also involved in the Safe City Project, so any kind of negligence would not be tolerated.

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