Pakistan and Azerbaijan to Strengthen Economic Ties

Pakistan and Azerbaijan to Strengthen Economic Ties - ahgroup-pk

ISLAMABAD: Azerbaijan’s Deputy Foreign Minister Samir Sharifov met Pakistan’s Commerce Minister to Enhance Economic and Diplomatic ties between the two countries.

Minister Jam Kamal Khan emphasized the Pakistani government’s commitment to building strong economic relationships with other nations. He highlighted substantial progress made in the past three months in strengthening both diplomatic and economic ties, achieving notable developments.

Minister Jam Kamal said ; “Pakistan attaches great importance to its relationship with Azerbaijan. We must continue to advance our cooperation in various sectors, including tourism, transport, energy security, and defence, though this requires additional efforts.” He also stressed the need for an early conclusion of the Preferential Trade Agreement and Bilateral Transit Trade Agreement.

Deputy Minister Sharifov expresses Azerbaijan’s readiness for enhanced cooperation with Pakistan across various mutual interests. He announces Azerbaijan’s President’s upcoming visit to Pakistan, which is expected to include signing several MOUs. Khan proposes organizing B2B meetings in either Pakistan or Azerbaijan.

Both sides agree on the need for a sustainable mechanism to boost and oversee bilateral trade and cooperation, and they discuss future steps to achieve shared objectives.

Sharifov mentioned that Azerbaijan is the first Central Asian country to initiate direct flights to Pakistan, facilitating more excellent connectivity.

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