Government Takes Advanced Measures to Reduce Impact of Possible Floods

Government Takes Advanced Measures to Reduce Impact of Possible Floods - ahgroup-pk

ISLAMABAD: Romina Khurshid Alam, the Prime Minister’s Coordinator on Climate Change and Environmental Coordination, announced on Sunday that extensive measures were being Reduce the Impact of Possible floods before the upcoming monsoon season.

In a statement, She said the ministry was serving as a collaborative platform for all relevant departments to assess flood vulnerability in the country’s flood-prone areas and develop a unified strategy to mitigate the effects of potential floods on lives and livelihoods, crops and public infrastructure.

Ms. Alam said: “This proactive approach demonstrates the government’s commitment to preparedness and resilience in the face of potential floods,” She also said that the ministry had convened three weekly task force meetings focused on global warming and heat waves, bringing together representatives from key agencies in June.

The PM’s climate aide highlighted collaboration among institutions such as the Ministry of Climate Change, National Disaster Management Authority, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, Pakistan Meteorological Department, and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, working collectively towards a shared goal.

The coordinator emphasized that following the safety of affected individuals, the primary concern was ensuring the provision of essential amenities at relief camps including:

  • Shelter
  • Food
  • Portable drinking water
  • Medical supplies
  • Animal care

Relief camps would be strategically established in easily accessible locations and widely publicized through various communication channels, including regular, conventional, and digital media.

Ms Alam also highlighted the critical importance of monitoring and addressing illegal tree cuttings, as forest ecosystems play a vital role in comprehensive flood risk management strategies.

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